Name: Henry Huang
Mobile: +86-13825510256
Add: Shilian Road, Shiji Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou 511450, P.R.China
Skype: henry_huang2012
PLACE: Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
International specialized exhibition "Climate World" is the most anticipated and intriguing event of the domestic HVAC & R market. The exhibition is held every year in early March, and puts together all progressive-minded representatives of HVAC & R business. Interest to participate in the "World Climate" is increasingly growing. Today it's just a time to take decision on the participation of your company in the thirteenth (from the year of foundation: 2005) exhibition "Climate World" to be held in February 28 - March 3, 2017 at Expocentre. There is still some time to prepare your participation, but the countdown has already started.
Specialized exhibitions are a versatile marketing tool based on the philosophy of the live human interaction. Therefore, despite the development of the Internet and online businesses, such events allow the participants to market effectively and sell products, to meet with the partners and competitors, to collect valuable information about the market and adjust its own marketing strategy, to study new equipment and even take part in law-making.
There are several exhibition projects in Russia, in some way related to the climate and refrigeration equipment. However, the most experts agree that the main exhibition event of the year in Russia is the exhibition "Climate World", organized by the exhibition company "Euroexpo" and the Association of Professionals in the Industry of Climate (APIC). The exhibition represents the whole spectrum of the HVAC & R market from manufacturers and suppliers of HVAC & R equipment to engineering and installation companies.
The exhibition "Climate World" is traditionally focused on several important issues. Among them are promotion of advanced equipment and technologies, advocacy of civilized forms and principles of fair competition, contribution to the sustainable development of Russian business. "Climate World" offers to the manufacturers the shortest way to the market, to the government agencies and business the ability to respond quickly to any challenges of the climate and refrigeration market, including the most complex ones.
Emotion-free statistics show each year the steadily-growing popularity of the event. Thus, in 2010 the exhibition "Climate World" had the exposition area of 15,800 m2, 240 leading climate and refrigeration companies from 23 countries were represented; 15,200 people visited the exhibition. In 2016, more than 250 leading companies from 23 countries took part in the exhibition, they were placed on 18,000 m2 of exhibition space, and was attended by over 23,900 visitors
International specialized HVAC&R exhibition «Climate World». The International HVAC&R Trade Fair
The major Exhibition sections and the most popular equipment at the "Climate World" show:
Air Conditioners
Automobile air conditioners
Household air conditioners
Semiindustrial air conditioners
Multizone split-systems
Ventilation and ventilators
Household ventilators (floor and table-top)
Unit ventilators
Air grilles and diffusers
Air ducts
Noise dampers for ventilation
Oil-filled heaters (radiators)
Infrared heaters
Fireplaces on gas, electricity, firewood
Heat cannons
Carbon and halogen heaters
Household fan heaters
Central air conditioning
Fan coils
Central air-conditioning plants
Precision air conditioners
Forced draft plants
Condenser-compressor units
Humidifying, dehumidifying, purification and ionization of air
Air purifiers
Household humidifiers
Industrial humidifiers
Expendable materials and tools
Sealing materials, heat transfer pastes, fluxes
Insulation (thermal insulation)
Copper pipe
Plastic pipe
Freons and oils
Metalware (expendables)
Professional Training, Employment, Consulting Service in HVAC&R market
Other sections
Water heaters
Heated tower rails
Water-heating radiators
Heat curtains
Heat pumps
Heated slab
Industrial refrigeration
Clean room
Cooling boxes
Energy saving
Automation and building management systems
Norms-setting Documents
Intelligent («smart») building